What is glutathione?
Glutathione is the generic term for glutathione Sulfidril abbreviated GSH. GSH is a tripe tide (a very small protein) that occurs naturally in the organism, where it is formed based on the individual molecules of its 3 components: lysine, glutei acid and cytokine. Of these 3 amino acids, the cytokine is the most difficult to find, this element is the most important of the 3 when cells contain cytokine can produce glutathione effectively. However, this Amino is usually absent or deficient in our diet, yet it is necessary to provide it to the body. Cysteine is not able to survive the trip from the mouth to the cells unless it forms a larger protein. The glutathione is the antioxidant master, the effectiveness of other antioxidants such as vitamin C and E depend on the glutathione. Therefore, a deficiency in the glutathione produces a cellular oxidation, the decline of the organism and the health. In fact, life depends on him. Without it, the cells ...