What is glutathione?

Glutathione is the generic term for glutathione Sulfidril abbreviated GSH. GSH is a tripe tide (a very small protein) that occurs naturally in the organism, where it is formed based on the individual molecules of its 3 components: lysine, glutei acid and cytokine. Of these 3 amino acids, the cytokine is the most difficult to find, this element is the most important of the 3 when cells contain cytokine can produce glutathione effectively.

However, this Amino is usually absent or deficient in our diet, yet it is necessary to provide it to the body. Cysteine is not able to survive the trip from the mouth to the cells unless it forms a larger protein.

The glutathione is the antioxidant master, the effectiveness of other antioxidants such as vitamin C and E depend on the glutathione. Therefore, a deficiency in the glutathione produces a cellular oxidation, the decline of the organism and the health. In fact, life depends on him. Without it, the cells are desintegrarianed because of the oxidation.  
Image result for glutathione
The immune system depends entirely on the glutathione to function properly, particularly in the creation of lymphocytes T, the main line of defense of the organism against bacteria, fungi, parasitic viruses, carcinogenic, etc. A deficiency in the glutathione weakens the immune system leaving susceptible to diseases and unbalances it causing autoimmune diseases.

A huge amount of toxins are eliminated from the organism by the Enzymatic system of the glutathione, including metabolites of drugs, contaminants, carcinogenic and damage caused by radiation, in fact, one of the highest concentrations of glutathione in Our body is in the liver, the biggest detoxifying organ in the body. A deficiency in glutathione produces an increase in toxins making you prone to develop degenerative chronic diseases (cancer, Diabetes, arthritis, etc.)

Glutathione is known to play an essential role in the prevention and treatment of hundreds of diseases, including heart disease, Diabetes, arrhythmias, elevated cholesterol, asthma, respiratory diseases, Hepatitis, AIDS, cancer, Parkinson, Alzheimer's, Lupus, fibromyalgia, arthritis, etc.

Your antioxidant Master

During the last thirty years, advances in the study of antioxidants have reached the point of developing a new branch of medicine, which concentrates on the balance between oxidants and antioxidants. Scientists have delved into several hundred different pathological processes in which antioxidants play a vital role. The shelves of the naturist food stores and pharmacies are filled with a wide range of antioxidant products. However, although these antioxidants, including vitamin C and E, are generally "natural", these are not natural for your body. If you ingest these vitamins, they will not be found in your cells naturally. Because of the importance of antioxidants in hundreds of pathological processes, one asks the question: "What is the antioxidant that our body produces to defend against these processes?" Glutathione is the most abundant antioxidant produced in our body. 

In fact, the presence of this small protein is crucial to the functioning of all the other antioxidants we know, making this the title of "Master Antioxidant".

Food for the immune system

His immune system is in constant search for pathogens and external antigens (agents that damage cells and cause toxicity and disease). These antigens include viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, and even pre-cancerous cells. To neutralize these pathogens, the body needs lists of glutathione reserves because if it does not have enough, the invaders can penetrate infecting the body and/or contributing to aging, cumulative damage in the long term and even Possible cancer. We can't help but get sick and grow old at the same time (although some scientists are still behind the old dream of avoiding aging) but just keeping high our intercellular glutathione levels we're going to keep our immune system in Full alert and fully armed. "The limiting factor for adequate activity and the multiplication of lymphocytes (white blood cells) is the level of availability of glutathione."

Detoxification system

The GSH enzyme system eliminates thousands of toxins, including drug degradation products, contaminants, carcinogens, and radiation damage. It is well known that the highest concentrations of GSH are found in the liver, the main detoxifying organ of the body. The human being inhales and ingests daily natural and synthetic toxins and there is no way to avoid it, especially in these modern times, with our congested and polluted cities and our genetically modified food. Some experimental studies have shown that low levels of glutathione generate poor liver and kidney function by causing large amounts of toxins to circulate through the body. Once there, they continually damage individual cells and organs. The list of eliminated toxins includes cigarette smoke, automobile emissions, and heavy metals. Physicians usually use medications to increase glutathione levels in critical illnesses such as acetaminophen overdose and severe liver failure. 
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Fill with energy yourself

Our cells are like small machines that work 24 hours a day. Where does this energy come from to feed this constant activity? The answer is quite complicated, but science has identified tiny structures between our cells called "mitochondria" that within the cell function as tiny batteries. 

Like any source of energy, the inevitable result is the creation of waste products. Literally, mitochondria burn oxygen and result in overloads and damage, and are limited in their ability to continue functioning unless degradation products such as oxyradicals are eliminated. 

The main substance produced by the cell to maintain the good condition and efficiency of the mitochondria is glutathione. This translates into greater energy and strength. For these reasons, the increase in glutathione levels has become the focus of many studies from sports medicine to treatments for rejuvenation. 

What causes the loss of glutathione (GSH)?

Every day, our body is exposed to factors that reduce our levels of glutathione: stress, pollution, radiation, infections, medications, poor diets, aging, injuries, and fatigue.

All this contributes to the reduction of glutathione and this, in turn, leads to cell aging, disease, and death. "The concern about maintaining glutathione levels will soon be on par with maintaining other aspects of health,"  

Glutathione Research

Over the last twenty years, the volume of research on GSH has increased immensely. A wide variety of theoretical documents, important laboratory experiments, epidemiological studies, animal projects and, most importantly, clinical trials with humans, have related the low levels of glutathione with an impressive variety of Diseases. If it were not for the weight and credibility of the investigations, the skeptics could question the extent of this list. 

Why can't you consume glutathione?

Glutathione (GSH) is a word that is not yet very familiar to everyone. However, since there are many scientific and medical articles written on this subject to date, it is one of those terms that eventually become part of everyday language. One of the reasons for the increasing popularity of the GSH is that it has so many benefits for those who know how to increase the levels of glutathione in your body.

A common myth about glutathione is that you can consume glutathione and consequently increase the levels of GSH in your body. This is not true. Consuming food or supplements with glutathione is not going to work as it will mostly end up being disintegrated by the digestive system and eliminated by the body. Since glutathione is produced within its cells, what needs to be done is to provide the building blocks ("precursors") of GSH to the cells themselves. The most difficult glutathione precursor to finding in our diet is the amino acid "cytokine" that must be found in a way that can survive the journey from your mouth to your cells and this is not as easy as it might seem.

It is vitally important to clarify a particular aspect of the glutathione issue. When people find out about GSH, the first thing they think about is going to the pharmacy, buying it and starting to "take it". Although it can be found as a supplement, consuming the glutathione itself has almost zero effects on your health as it is quickly disintegrated by the digestive system and eliminated immediately. The GSH must be produced within its cells, which is precisely where it is, in every cell of its body. The only way to achieve it effectively is to provide your body with the building blocks (precursors) you need to produce the glutathione by itself.

Some drugs from pharmacies, such as NAC (acetyl-cytokine N) have been developed to supply these precursors; however, there are natural ways to increase glutathione levels. 

Vitamins C and E and selenium indirectly support the function of glutathione. Milk Thistle (Silymarin), alpha-lipoic acid and cytokine L could have moderate effects. The most effective natural way to increase glutathione levels, as discovered by medical research, is to feed the individual with cytokine-rich specific proteins such as those found in serum protein isolates not Denatured.

This type of natural approach to solving health aspects is an ideal complement to traditional medicine that has historically marginalized nutrition therapy. 

The key to closing this gap between Western medicine and natural medicine rests on the appropriate study of supplements through solid research. In nature, this usable form of a cytokine can be found in eggs, but eggs must be raw, otherwise, proteins containing cytokine are modified by heat and lose their efficiency as a "cytokine carrier vehicle". Another good source could be meat, but again the meat would need to be raw to be a competent source of cytokine. In addition to a well-prepared steak tartare, the safe sources of raw meat are not very abundant. What about the vegetables? Guest! Raw cruciferous plants are a good source but you would have to eat large amounts of broccoli with all your gaseous consequences that your partner would have to endure.

A little problem! Since Glutathione intervenes in so many important functions, including the supply of our immune system, the detoxification of a long list of pollutants and carcinogens, as well as acting as a "master" antioxidant, how can we safely increase glutathione levels? The medical literature is full of articles describing their role in cancer, cardiac and infectious diseases, lung problems and even the aging process itself. Many experts believe that the fact of increasing the GSH has been very underestimated and that this strategy will become as popular as taking multivitamins on a daily basis. How can you make the most of this amazing molecule?

Serum, a protein fraction of milk, is loaded with glutathione precursors. The problem, as in the case of eggs and milk, is that heat destroys the ability of these proteins to increase glutathione efficiently. The other negative aspect of the serum is that it can contain certain amounts of fat and lactose, elements banned for many individuals. In addition, the vast majority of whey protein in the market has undergone various pasteurization processes which, if you remember your high school biology courses, are a form of heat. But there is a solution to this problem. 

Glutathione: "Toxic waste deposit system"

The GSH enzyme system is responsible for eliminating hundreds of toxins, including drug metabolites, contaminants, carcinogens and radiation-induced damage. It is not surprising that the highest concentrations of GSH are found in the liver, the main body detoxifying. Daily we inhale and ingest natural and synthetic toxins and there is no way we can avoid them, especially in these times of technology, polluted and congested cities and our bio-modified food supplies. Some experimental studies have shown that low levels of glutathione lead to a deficient function of the kidneys and liver that result in high unnecessary amounts of toxins circulating through our body. In their path, they constantly damage individual cells and organs. The list of eliminated toxins includes cigarette smoke, automobile emissions and heavy metals. Physicians generally use medications to raise glutathione levels in critical illnesses such as acetaminophen overdose and fulminant liver failure. 

Glutathione reduction

Our body is daily exposed to factors that decrease our levels of glutathione: stress, pollution, radiation, infections, medications, unbalanced diets, aging, injuries, and fatigue.  

All of this contributes to the reduction of glutathione which in turn leads to aging, sickness, and death

Increasing their glutathione levels the same way they take their vitamin supplements every morning,  Glutathione is a small molecule found in almost every cell. It cannot have direct access to almost any cell and therefore it must be produced within each of them from its three constituent amino acids: glycerin, glutamate, and cysteine. 

The percentage in which glutathione can be produced depends on the availability of cysteine, which is relatively low in food. The cysteine molecule contains a sulfur portion that provides the entire glutathione molecule with its ' biochemical activity '; That is, their ability to perform the following functions of vital importance: first, glutathione is the main antioxidant produced by cells, protecting of ' free radicals ' (' Oxygen radicals ', ' oxyradicals,). These highly reactive substances, if left unattended, damage or destroy the main components of cells (e.g. membranes, DNA) in a matter of microseconds. Oxyradicals are generated in the thousands of mitochondria found within each cell, where, using oxygen, nutrients such as glucose are burned to produce energy. (It can be said that mitochondria are like batteries that provide energy for cells to function.) Oxyradicals also occur from contaminants, UV radiation, and, other sources. In addition, glutathione recycles other antioxidants known as vitamins C and E, keeping them up inactive state. Second, glutathione is a very important detoxifying agent enabling the body to dispose of toxins and undesirable contaminants. It forms a soluble compound with toxins that are then secreted through the urine or intestine. The liver and kidneys contain large amounts of glutathione as they are the organs most exposed to toxins. The lungs are also rich in glutathione partly for this very reason. Many chemicals, heavy metals, drug metabolites, etc. that cause cancer is eliminated in this way. 

Third, glutathione plays a crucial role in maintaining the normal balance between oxidation and anti-oxidation. This, in turn, regulates many of the vital functions of cells such as DNA synthesis and repair, protein synthesis, and enzyme activation and regulation. Fourth, glutathione is necessary to perform many of the intricate steps of the immune response. For example, it is necessary for lymphocytes to multiply to develop a resistant immune response and for ' destructive ' lymphocytes to be able to destroy undesirable cells such as cancer cells or vital cells Infected. The importance of glutathione cannot be overestimated. It has multiple functions as indicated and, in fact, when examining each system or organ in more detail, the need for glutathione becomes more evident. Glutathione values decrease with age and you can see that higher values in older people are related to better health by underestimating the importance of this amazing substance in maintaining a healthy body and with Good performance.


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