
Showing posts from February, 2018

What is glutathione?

Glutathione is the generic term for glutathione Sulfidril abbreviated GSH. GSH is a tripe tide (a very small protein) that occurs naturally in the organism, where it is formed based on the individual molecules of its 3 components: lysine, glutei acid and cytokine. Of these 3 amino acids, the cytokine is the most difficult to find, this element is the most important of the 3 when cells contain cytokine can produce glutathione effectively. However, this Amino is usually absent or deficient in our diet, yet it is necessary to provide it to the body. Cysteine is not able to survive the trip from the mouth to the cells unless it forms a larger protein. The glutathione is the antioxidant master, the effectiveness of other antioxidants such as vitamin C and E depend on the glutathione. Therefore, a deficiency in the glutathione produces a cellular oxidation, the decline of the organism and the health. In fact, life depends on him. Without it, the cells ...

Liposomal Vitamin C

Liposomal Vitamin C is one of the protagonists of the medicine, both from the field of the complementation as from the allopath or simply from the feeding. So today we will dedicate a brief review of "The history" of this great vitamin, because, as we will see, not only covers the treatment of the common cold as many thinks, but the evidence takes far beyond. Liposomal Vitamin C  scientific name is ascorbic acid, and it is presented in an innate way in nature.  This term, ascorbic, comes from the word scurvy which means "Black Death". This is because in the past the majority of the sailors died because of this disease, in which there was a general ecchymosed with hemorrhages both external and internal of all the organs that endowed of black color to the whole body of the person because of the sang Re-extravagated and subsequently coagulated. The explanation for this epidemic at sea was that workers did not...